Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Fineliner And Drawing Samples!

Since we`ve been back at sixth form, I feel like I haven`t done as much work as I should of done. So far I`ve been pretty bored and trying to attempt to settle back into out new building and the new class, but I`ve been a bit distracted lately, but here are some of the new little samples of work that have actually been completed... The reason that there isn`t much yet is because I`ve caught up with my sketchbook completely so a lot of work has gone into that. 

I have been over all of the observational drawings I`ve done so far, but These are the only pictures that i have right now and I feel bad for the lake of updates so far...

By the way, i seriously despise any form of Observational drawing, so starting off another project was a miniature hell for me, (again)...

Even though my project is based on my own mental health problems, it`s very hard to find something solid to draw. So pills and pill packets are the best i can get right now, i`m going to a lot of mixed media and 3D work started soon. But it still may take some time to get there since I`m going on to print making soon.
The biggest pencil drawings are only A2 size this time, I don`t want to do ANOTHER A1 drawing again in my life, In the last project I did two and it made me want to cry a lot.
I will be going back over my drawings since they are quite smudged since they where done a while ago. But the three smaller ones where just done as a quick practice for shading, since I`m still quite bad at my shading right now and definitely need more practice before I head off to university, and I need some decent drawings for my portfolio... Like, right now!
So these little thingies right der are just some of deem likkle practicez, and the top tew arrr just ma failed attempt at drawin.

These three little fineliner practices where actually done before my A2 drawing. There are the same size as my little pencil drawings, but obviously with added material; the first one is ink and fineliner, the second one of ink, bleach and fineliner and then the third is just a fineliner and bleach.
I seriously love the looks of fineliner drawings, and the dark tones you can really bring out depending on the composition you choose. These three samples have a lot of negative space in them though so they are a lot lighter than they should be. 

I also find that they more messier you are with a fineliner image then it has a bigger impact, since they are my first ones I`ve left them quite neat looking for now; So when I have the time I`m going to do some more but a bit messier with mark making and some more detailed work, but that may be a while because I`ve started working on some prints to do now and I`m also still waiting for my screen prints to go onto a screen. 

Whilst I`m waiting for my prints to actually go on screen, I`ve been working in my sketchbook and trying to document a lot more as I go along. Last project, I documented everything at the last moment and had to catch up quite a bit; I know that I still need to do a lot of artist research to relate to my project, but I`m finding it hard to find more modern artists who can relate to the same kind of mental health problems as me, because then It`s very personal.

The last image I`ve done is my first large-ish scale Fineliner image and i`m hoping to do some more of them later on, maybe after my printing work. but I am quite happy with the result of the A2 study, i also didn`t use any ink on the pills even though they have blue and orange on them... By using two or three different pens I can bleach or attempt at bleaching them.

A normal biro that won`t bleach for the outline, a very thin fineliner that will turn orange when used and a thicker version that turns blue when bleached. 

(And the image is supposed to be of pills in my hand, the teachers thought it was just a random pattern)... 

I am sorry for a lack of updating again, It`s been a bit hectic moving into the new building and trying to set up again. 
Bring on the nerds!

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Thursday, 17 September 2015

Brain Backdrops.

As promised, I have made just a few small backdrops out of the brain designs that I`ve done.

So I just got some quick small designs for the backdrops finished and they only took about ten minutes to do (That`s each). It`s just basically piecing the same image together in the way that you want it, quite basic.

But, here you go, here are some of the small backdrops I`ve put together so far and they might be the only ones I do unless someone requests a mix of them or just some other colors to use, then some more of them might appear next to the links that appear down below in my other post on here.

The other thing that I wanted to talk about quickly was all of the positive feedback I`ve got from some of you who read my blog and then contact me through facebook. What I`ve heard so far has made me quite happy with this new style of work and I`ve even gotten around to creating more

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Live Diary:   http://melonheadamy-livediaryblogging.blogspot.co.uk

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