Since my newest project is mainly based around my own mental health problems I`ve decided to spend even more time working on small pattern designs and possibly more pattern repeat work in the future.
I will be photoshopping these soon aswell so i can get pattern repeats digitally through them, it`ll make it whole load easier and I should hopefully be able to get a lot more types of repeats finished in the process. So it should be quite fun to do on my computer, and it`s something that`s quite new to me.
So far I`m enjoying the processes of photoshopping these small designs but that`s only when my tiny little laptop doesn`t crash...
These original little designs are just done with some fineliner on A4 paper... But then I left them in a pile somewhere and I can`t remember which folder I put them in after that... Yay!
I also got a question from someone (I won`t say your name sweetie)! They just wanted to know how I make my small pattern repeat pieces.
So I either use a picture of something that I`ve taken, a small part of a drawing I`ve completed; Or, if it`s something like the brains I`ve done here then have a look online for something plain and try to work from that.
The basic outline for the brain shape, (I tried to draw it myself but it looked like a squashed bean bag), then I filled in the rest myself.
It won`t always be the case of trying to rush in straight away and getting it all done in one, it may be that you have 10 basic outlines with tiny little pencil sketches inside showing where things might go.
It won`t always be the case of trying to rush in straight away and getting it all done in one, it may be that you have 10 basic outlines with tiny little pencil sketches inside showing where things might go.
It`s mainly a case of planning and sketching at first, but then again you have to remember that when the design is complete then you can do whatever you want with them and make them into awesome backdrops or just a simple design to use.
So if you need to trace over something to help you, do it; as long as another artist hasn`t done it, or it`s a photo that a friend has taken then it`s fine. But remember to be respectful if you really want to use someone`s image, just ask for the right to use it.
I know it seems like a weird answer... But i hope you can understand what I mean by that! (Thanks for taking the time to ask too)!
When I get the other images photoshopped (I`ve only done one so far...), then I`ll upload those versions too and I`m hopefully going to be making brain themed facebook cover images for those who read this blog! It`ll be quite fun to see everyone`s thoughts on them, and I`m looking forward to more feedback off of you guys; Either on facebook or Instagram, your opinions are always welcome ^.^
Thanks for reading this update, and I`m sorry for the lack of work lately... I`ll be back on track very soon!
Live Diary:
Instagram: amy_marshy_melons
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