This past week as probably been one of the most enjoyable of the induction weeks so far.
Basically, I thought that the induction weeks where over since we finished three weeks of working with wire, paper and cardboard and photoshop... But we had a few more slightly more complex weeks ahead of us, that all involve using different areas and equipment around the studios.
The title of the post is pretty much self-explanatory; I`ve been producing casting work for the past week now. It`s been a lot more interesting to produce, and I don`t mean that in a bad way against the lecturers, basically they just wanted us to start off with a tiny idea taken from an object, which meant that all of the work we made was taken from very, very basic materials and objects.
Usually we have three lecturers that spread themselves between 33 of us, and they also work with different year groups; so they work with the foundation year, 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and the masters group.
But this then meant that we only had one lecturer and for only one day, and that was the Tuesday; on the Monday we just had to do photoshop work and basically keep ourselves busy for a day since the lecturer we where going to have wasn`t in. We had Jeremy on the Tuesday, and he gave us a not so quick induction on how to go through the whole process.
To begin with, you need a quite thick slab of wet clay. This just means it`s thick enough to push objects into to create quite a good cast. My object is still the bloody phones, I`m soooo sick of seeing them laying around on my desks, plus there`s only so much you can do with the same three phones.
Then when the imprint has been made, you have to make a cottle around the imprints; you can do this just out of card. Then push it
After about 20 minutes - 30 minutes. You can pull the cottle out of the plaster and then try to pull the plaster off. In most cases, like with every single piece of mine; I had to then twist the clay that has somehow glued itself to the wooden boards we where using, just keep on twisting it both ways and it`ll eventually pull off.
Afterwards, if it`s worked properly, you can be left with something really cleanly casted or something quite faint. It depends on if you get the clay slab level or if you pushed your object in far enough. I ended up with a different range of faint looking casts and quite sharp ones, some on purpose and some by accident aswell. I just kind of messed around with everything.
But messing around everything turned out to be the right thing to do. I kept on making random cottles that weren`t even the right size or shape, and then this meant that I could file down the sides and make proper looking corners that turned the phone castings into proper looking 3D phones.
I think I need to begin taking apart the other two phones completely so I can get some good work produced from the computer boards inside of the phones, The screws in the phones are so tiny though, I
You can find all of my Casting images either on Deviantart (probably Wednesday) or you can see all of them on my Facebook page.
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