Monday, 25 April 2016

Redbubble Products!

And now, a post completely dedicated to Redbubble products that I have been producing lately...

As you may of noticed in the links at the bottom of my posts, I`ve been adding in my Redbubble link every time. Just to make sure you check them out some time...
Unfortunately, I haven`t actually sold anything on there yet and I am going to lower the prices so they`re more affordable; you don`t want to be paying £10 just for a notebook really. So tonight, I`m going to be lowering the prices by just a tiniee tiny little bit so hopefully, some of you will buy something.. some day.. Thanks.
I`ll be working on some more illustration designs soon, keep an eye out for them on Deviantart first!

I haven`t really shown everyone all of the designs so far, and I still won`t be able to include them all on here. If you keep up with my Redbubble account, then you would of probably seen quite a few of the newest uploads, and I`ll be updating with some more photography products soon.
I have been working on a lot of illustration pieces recently, none of them however are for my current nature themed project and they`re all in a separate sketchbook that I keep with a bunch of other ones underneath my bed. All of those sketchbooks are for private drawings and designing, and I never use them for sixth form work or studying, they all also have labels and are only used for one type of drawing per sketchbook.
I haven`t had that much time to be working on private work really, it`s quite sad since I thought I would be able to relax and draw whenever I want too. But I`ve started my new job and since my exam is coming up (which I won`t shut up about) I really don`t have the time to sit down and design small illustrations or mandalas.

The thing with Redbubble, is that any of my work from this current project can be easily added onto any products I want. So right now, it doesn`t matter if I can`t do cute little illustrations, sugar skulls or mandala patterns... I can use anything from my current project and then just transfer it over easily. One slight problem that I have been having, is how blurry it`s been making some of my images and some of my photography work. I`m still trying to get it all sorted out, and I don`t know if it`s my terrible photoshopping skills that are coming into play, hopefully it is cause I know how bad I am at photoshop and hopefully one of my friends can help me out.

Here are the other three latest designs, that I`ve literally only just uploaded; hopefully I`ll be able to sell some when I lower the price and I`ll be trying to get my artwork out there again on Deviantart aswell!

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