if you don`t keep up with the live diary blog then you probably wouldn`t know, but I`ve got a new job! and out of the two weeks sixth form have given me off, I`ve only actually had two days off since I`m trying to get all of my shadowing shifts at work finished.
All of this also means that I haven`t really had any time to get my coursework done, and I bought quite a bit home to do over the two weeks off. All I`ve got round to doing are Illustration requests that you guys have sent me on facebook and other requests I`ve received from other social media accounts like Meowchat and Meetme. If anything, I just want to get a load of requests in because it`ll then keep me rather busy on Deviantart for when I get back to sixth form. Also, when I go back to sixth form I`ve got to get a lot of preparation done for a three day long exam that I have, so I am going to be rather busy.
Right now I`ve got some collage work on the go, and a lot of mixed media stuff planned for my final piece (which I can`t put together yet because I have to do that within the exam). Whilst I`m preparing everything at sixth form, I`m going to be doing a lot of drawing requests at home and in my illustration book. These also give me amazing ideas for when it comes to uploading designs onto Redbubble, and I`ll probably start making pattern repeats out of them and then putting them onto notebooks and stuff like that.
Keep on sending your illustration requests in!
So if you keep your eyes out on here you`ll probably see a lot of; Collage work to do with the project I`m on at the moment, Illustration work that`s been requested by you guys, a lot more watercolour drawings and a LOT more redbubble designs and products that are available for you all to buy!
Even though I have been pretty busy with the new job and getting used to working there (see the Live Diary Blog for more) I`m trying my best to fit everything else in when I`m at home, but my older sister is also moving house so everything is just everywhere at the moment and my family is quite busy aswell.
We`ll get there eventually!
Live Diary Blog: http://melonheadamy-livediaryblogging.blogspot.co.uk/
Art Blog: http://melonheadamy-artblogging.blogspot.co.uk/
Anime Reviews: http://melonheadamy-animereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melonheadamy
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AmyWatkinson
Live Hereos: https://liveheroes.com/en/brand/melonhead-amy
Redbbble: http://www.redbubble.com/people/amywatkinson
Deviantart: https://amywatkinson.deviantart.com/
Instagram: amy_marshy_melons
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